1. Disable WebDav on Publish instance by stopping following bundles.
- Apache sling Webdav access
- Apache sling simple WebDav access to repositories
2. Garbage collection can be invoked using jax console com.adobe.granite%3Atype%3DRepository
- runDataStoreGarbageCollection
3. Remove unwanted packages
4. Revision Cleanup. Please read here
5. Take backup of /content, /etc and /dam using package manager
6. No user should do changes using crxde. All changes should come from Code
7. /etc/versioning/purge.html can be used to purge the versions created while activating pages.
8. Workflows should be purged when not required. This can be done using osgi service - Adobe granite Workflow purge configuration
9. Audit log purge can be performed by configuring audit log purge service in osgi. Once the rule is created, it need to be exposed in operations dahsboard page. You can create weekly maintenance window page and configure the same at tools-operations-maintenance
10. Log level should be info
11. Search index should be created and maintained.
12. Change password of AEM and Osgi console
13. Create jenkins pipeline for AEM project.
- configure webhook in git which triggers build when changes are merged.
- confiure jenkins job with git repository and configure build trigger ass push event and merge.
- provide script (buildscript.sh) to deploy aem code to author and publish servers.
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